20.5.2007 | 16:11
Myndlist tengd draumum
Tengt ráðstefnum sem haldnar eru á vegum alþjóðasamtaka um rannsóknir á draumum, The International Association for the study of Dreams, eru iðulega haldnar listasýningar með verkum er tengjast draumum. Þessi listaverk eru aðgengileg á vefnum og birti ég hér sýnishorn af þessum stórfenglega heim listarinnar. (meira hér)
Awakening (acrylic, 4' x 3')
eftir Bonnie Bisbee
The young woman is blown out of her body by Spirit Guides, and receives a flying song. This is a depiction of lucid dreaming. The dreamer awakes in her dream, and is taught that the Earth of her dream and the Earth of her waking consciousness are both dreams: as such, they can be shaped by Consciousness and Will.
She has the freedom to fly, and to choose. Her Dream Body flies to the distant Shore of New Instruction.
Unconscious (collage on paper, 17" x 11")
eftir Clare Johnson
Clare Johnson is a doctoral researcher with the University of Leeds, England, investigating the role of lucid dreaming in the creative process. Her research is rooted in practice as she is writing a novel which features lucid dreaming and lucid dream inspired art. She is exploring ways of drawing on lucid dreams at each stage of the creative process.
Artist Statement:
When I started having lucid dreams over a decade ago, I was eager to find a means of representing them visually. I used a marbling technique and images cut from magazines and old photographs. I then arranged them into collages. Bright colours are used to represent the extreme visual clarity of my lucid dreams. Hands and eyes appear frequently in my collages. The hands reflect a lucidity technique used to stabilise the dream scene, while the eyes represent the conscious gaze of the lucid dreamer.
Skemmtilegar myndir...
Margrét Ingibjörg Lindquist, 23.5.2007 kl. 00:12
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.